Singing Quotes

A bird does not sing because it has an answer.  It sings because it has a song.  ~Chinese Proverb

He who sings frightens away his ills.  ~Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

Some days there won't be a song in your heart.  Sing anyway.  ~Emory Austin

I don't sing because I'm happy; I'm happy because I sing.  ~William James

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?  ~Rose F. Kennedy

Sweetest the strain when in the song
The singer has been lost.
~Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward

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Ron Long

Ron Long

Master of Music - Southern Illinois University at Carbonale

Bachelor of Music - University of Saskatchewan

Ron is an Edmonton based voice teacher and performer. He has taught singing in the Edmonton area for over 20 years.  For many years, he just taught musical theatre and opera but over the last few years has delved into the art of singing contemporary pop music.  His main focus is teaching adults and older teenagers and has many young adults get into various music schools in Canada and the US.  He also helps people rehabilitate their singing voice after illness and other vocal injuries.  Ron is an Estill Master Teacher and follows a more science based approach to voice which is grounded in experience and understanding all that your voice can do.

He teaches a lot on line and has many bonus classes and monthly recitals that come with lessons.

To find out more about that and upcoming courses go to or click here to be added to his mailing list. Ron regularly adjudicates Music Festivals around the province.  He has also completed a course as a Certified Yoga Teacher (but has never taught a class) and is a Reiki Master.  Ron completed a Master of Music from Southern Illinois University of Carbondale in Opera and Musical Theatre.  He is a member of Equity, the Canadian actors union and has performed with Edmonton Opera in many roles. Ron teaches online and at his home on the northside in the neighbourhood of Griesbach.  Ron’s students include chorus members of Edmonton Opera, local amateur musical theatre performers, other voice teachers and anyone interested in learning more about how to use their voice.  His schedule is very full but he always has time for consultations  and vocal coachings.  He specializes in audition prep.  Click here to  check out his youtube channel Singing With Ron.




LOCATION: Online or at his house on northside in Griesbach 

Testimonials for the Community

I was a relatively new singer when I first took the Estill Course. I began attending Ron's daily warmups while I was taking the course, and I never left! Not only is Ron warm, funny, and very knowledgeable, he has a knack for building a supportive community which has helped me learn more and more. Ron uses the Estill principles in his warmups and gives each of us the chance to ask questions and practice the new techniques we are learning. I can hear my voice improving as I continue day by day. Thanks, Ron!

- Ellen L. 

I can credit my nephew's love of theatre and singing as the catalyst to explore the world of Estill voice training and my introduction to Ron Long who was one of the voice coaches leading breakout sessions of the weeklong workshop.  Ron is so welcoming, approachable and generous in sharing his knowledge and skills as a Estill vocal coach.  There are Q & A sessions after his almost daily on-line warm up with his student community.  Ron engages his students to listen and learn from each other as much as from him which is an unexpected added benefit!  The coaching, encouragement and feedback often happens outside your scheduled voice lesson not only during the on-line warm up,  but also during the monthly "Pop Check" or Question night and/or the themed Performance night.   The on-line musical community that Ron has gathered is diverse:  young students to the young at heart, from beginner to classically trained voices,  students from across Canada,  the USA,  and some from across the pond (British)  eager to explore new musical styles and keep summary everyone and anyone who loves to sing and perform (even if it is just for yourself) and have some fun along the way.  You will learn, laugh and develop your unique sound as a member of this friendly and inclusive community!

- Joan L. 

I had divulged in January to a friend about my desire to learn to sing and she shared with me this amazing teacher she was working with and of course in the time of Covid it was online.  I got my courage up to make the initial connection with Ron and it has enriched my life in so many ways.  Ron has created a “family” of people who have come together to explore their voices and bring joy to their daily lives.  I always knew that singing would soothe my soul…now Ron is giving me the platform and comfort to do that.  My lessons are full of personal directions that guide me to improve.  The daily warm ups I look forward to from the minute my eyes open in the morning and learning from the community of people who are part of it has been an added bonus.  And then there are all the educational videos and Tuesday evening sessions and specific courses that are offered that round it all out to the best experience I have had in years.  And don’t get me going on the kind of human being Ron is….he is tuned in to each one of us as individuals,  feeding us kindness and courage to have and use our voice in the best way possible and in turn building our confidence. I am so very grateful for being able to be a part of the SingingwithRon family.

Pamela B. 

Testimonials for Lessons 

Voice lessons have been life-changing for me as a mature adult. I’ve had to work hard to become good at singing: this has been a rewarding combination of challenge, frustration and joy. Ron has been a phenomenal teacher, inspiration, critic and friend.

  •  Mat. R

 Testimonials For Courses

 Ron is very knowledgeable and is very effective and efficient on responding to different voice needs. He is very personable and affirming and has been great at assessing my voice and helping me be a better singer. I highly recommend him! 

As a classically trained soprano, this course really helped me get started on my belting journey! I felt as though all my questions and concerns were addressed thoroughly, which helped me learn so much about different belt techniques. Ron is awesome! I would highly recommend this course to any beginner belters.

 I've known Ron for years and years, and I keep coming back to him for occasional lessons and problem-solving; he is so great at listening for problem spots and giving tips and tricks to get through them. He's a great teacher for anyone looking to gain more confidence in their voice (all of his students, even complete beginners, quickly gain an understanding of their instrument), or anyone looking to work out different styles/colours in their sound.

Ron Long is a fantastic vocal teacher. His advanced knowledge of vocal pedagogy and physiology allows him to pinpoint and address students' vocal issues. Aside from this, he is also lots of fun and wonderful to work with. The Belting For Sopranos Course he has created is excellent; filled with a variety of techniques, warm-ups, and tricks to help you find your belt! Thank you, Ron!